The word atheist in itself has a distinctly negative connotation. I have come across people who feel that atheists are immoral, a bad influence on society and as someone who in their words “will take you away from the way of god”.
This always gets me thinking is religion the source of our morality? I definitely do not confer to such a belief; morality is an inherent virtue in humans. So when people do good deeds and shun bad ones they do so on their own. There is no validation required by anyone, there is no god required to decide and tell them what is good or what is bad.
In other words what is good and what is bad is somewhat a common understanding in all humans. It is not something on the whims and fancies of any celestial being. Man took what he thought was right and projected it as the will of god, the Ten Commandments, Manu Smriti or whatever.
So when in a moral dilemma we can decide for ourselves what is morally correct without invoking god. Some might argue why the need for all this blabber if the end result is the same – if we decide for our self or take it as god’s will and follow it. This distinction is what separates a fundamentalist and liberal. When people start blindly believing that god’s will is right without deciding for their own self, that is where the truly dark side of religion is exposed.
That is where terrorists get the will to massacre hundreds as was in Mumbai, this is where the rioting mobs in Gujarat got the will to kill, plunder and rape innocent people.
That is where terrorists get the will to massacre hundreds as was in Mumbai, this is where the rioting mobs in Gujarat got the will to kill, plunder and rape innocent people.
Faith without reason can beget nothing but disaster.
Most people say what the suicide bomber or the mob did were not religious, that what he does is not the religion they so steadfastly believe in and that is not what the religion is.
See what happened here – we have achieved a complete turnaround from our initial argument.
People are not using religion to decide what is moral and what is not, but in fact are using morality to decide what religious is and what is not.
The very idea that we need religion to be moral is an insult to mankind. We do what we do because we believe in it and not because we are required to.
Most religious scriptures are very old, confusing and are open to multiple interpretations. Fact of the matter is no one needs to confer any religious teachings to remind us of what is good or evil.
Most religious scriptures are very old, confusing and are open to multiple interpretations. Fact of the matter is no one needs to confer any religious teachings to remind us of what is good or evil.
When the first human ancestors were evolving it was certain that as weaklings their strength lay in numbers. As they started living together in proximity, it was a consensual realization that the greater good was to be kept in mind at all times. We as humans had an unsaid understanding that we would not like to live in a society where it was right to kill, steal or rape.
This is the foundation of morality which was established before any religion or anything was ever conceived. The failure to understand other celestial things is what gave them the idea of a superior being who was later also given the role of a policeman to oversee human morality.
So to sum it up I quote the Nobel prize winning physicist Steven Wienberg
“ Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.”
Good one !!!!though you would never be able to realize what human mind is made of and can think of!!!
ReplyDeleteEven the scietists are puzzled by the way the human mind works and research is still on. When it comes to religion then if not moral then how come the man started having faith as a means of achiveing self consiousness???Why did Buddha foregone war and denounced his king's life for being a mere saint. The very effect of religion is that people have named it separate. The basic concept and the reason is the same for living life to the full in all religious scriptures. They ahve been modified over the centuries to incorporate the changes and bring what we call more exaggerated version which has caused vandalism to be treated as a means of safeguarding one's religion. Everyone is free to beleive what he/she wants. But vandalism as a means to show faith in religion is shoddy works of the politicians and so called gurus of the modern world.
I believe that which ever religion u believe or not Self realization is more important!!!
When it comes to religion then if not moral then how come the man started having faith as a means of achiveing self consiouss
DeleteOne does not need faith belief to have consciousness